The Department of Psychiatry is an important organization within San Joaquin County Behavioral Health Services. We are proud of the nearly
20 highly trained, culturally diverse individuals that comprise the department. Each psychiatrist has completed bachelor level or equivalent premedical
training, medical school, and an approved psychiatry residency program. To insure the highest standards, each psychiatrist is carefully reviewed by the
San Joaquin General Hospital Credentials Committee upon employment and biannually thereafter.
The Department of Psychiatry's primary mission is to assess and treat county residents who suffer from mental health problems. The department is committed
to reducing and eventually eliminating the stigma attached to mental health problems. The psychiatrists want our clients to understand their problems and
interventions. The psychiatrists work closely with other team members to assure that the biological, psychological, and sociological problems are addressed.
We welcome inquiries from psychiatrists interested in a career in community mental health. These can be directed to the Director, Tony Vartan at 209-468-8750 or